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International Yoga Day

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celebrate with us! 

21rst of June is the International Yoga Day!


Special Promo until Tuesday 22/06: enjoy 10% off your purchases from our curated yoga brands!

Applies to both online and in-store purchases.

Coupon Code for online checkout: MCLovesYoga


Our team celebrates what we all love about yoga today: the incredible diversity, the passion and hard work, and of course, the amazing yoga community.


Yoga, an ancient practice and meditation, has become increasingly popular in today's busy society. For many people, yoga provides a retreat from their busy lives.


The goal during yoga practice is to challenge yourself physically, but not to feel overwhelmed. At this "edge," the focus is on your breath while your mind is accepting and calm.


Benefits of Yoga


1. Yoga improves breathing (Improves your flexibility/balance)


Slow movements and deep breathing exercises increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength. Long term flexibility is a known benefit of yoga, but one that remains especially relevant for spinal health.


2.  Yoga promotes best self-care (Builds muscle strength)


Building muscle strength helps protect your body from conditions like arthritis and back pain. In order to maintain your flexibility from yoga, it can be balanced with building strength from it.


3. Yoga improves quality of life (Perfects your posture and protects your spine)


Poor posture can cause back, neck, and other muscle and joint problems. Through yoga exercises you alleviate your body from back pains resulting from poor posture.


4. Yoga increases your blood flow


Inverted poses, such as Headstand, Handstand, and Shoulderstand, encourage venous blood from the legs and pelvis to flow back to the heart, where it can be pumped to the lungs to be freshly oxygenated.


5. Yoga relaxes you, and helps you sleep better. Research shows that a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep and stay asleep.


6. Yoga improves sex life


The benefits of working out are known that can improve your sex life when it comes to your energy and self esteem, but with yoga, you get all those benefits plus a few. From the outside yoga might look easy, but nothing strengthens your core and increases your flexibility like a good vinyasa flow. It turns out, doing yoga regularly works wonders for your energy levels and also helps you sleep better at night, which could be just what your sexual appetite needs.


Following the benefits of yoga, now is the time to put them into use! 


The reason most people don’t add physical activities in their weekly schedule is either lack of motivation or lack of time. However, all it takes is just 10-20 minutes out of the 24 hours there are in a day.

But, is 20 minutes of yoga a day enough?


A study of over 700 people found that practising just 12 minutes of yoga poses either daily or every other day has had a positive effect on their mental health, and has also improved their bone health, their focus and working memory. Setting that 20 minutes aside for exercise, has proven benefits in your mental state and wellbeing in the long term.


Time to get started: our team has you covered with a curated yoga collection! 




Yoga Mats and Accessories (blocks, straps, weights, books etc):


Learn more about Liforme mats here:


Specialized Yoga Brands


Alo Yoga:




Spritz Wellness:




B Yoga:




Follow us to stay in the know about special promos and curated news: @macheriestores (Facebook / Instagram)


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